Monday, August 17, 2009


The bees seem to orient themselves with the comb running north/south. With hive #1, a top bar hive which I oriented with the bars running east/west (out of convenience and ignorance) the bees chose to draw the comb across the bars (not on) in a north/south orientation. Hmmmm.........Then I spoke to my bee keeping friend Skye who had made the same observation and had concluded it was a magnetic orientation, possibly. So, next spring I will be moving that hive. I don't want to disturb them now as they started the hive from scratch and it may be too disorienting this close to cool weather. Being with the bees is a continual learning process.....and, thankfully, they are forgiving.

Woodstock (counter culture) hive

August 13: Picked up my "Woodstock Hive" (3rd hive, Kirk Webster bees) from Sam at the Germantown CSA. So named to commemorate where I was 40 years ago. I will surround this hive, as I do with all of my hives, with Peace, Love and Flowers. These bees are very gentle and sweet and feel much different from the southern and Pa bees. It will be interesting to see if each hive keeps their distinct personality or whether they all will evolve into "Vly Bee" temperment based on their new geographic location. I added 2 top bars as the Japanese knotweed is starting to bloom and I know how fast they can fill a bar. Foraging is plentiful in Schoharie County.......Blessed bee.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

new bees

Just spoke with Sam Comfort who is releasing a few hives and I was lucky enough to get one! (All of Sam's hives are top bar hives.) I'm on my way to the Vly to prepare their new home. I am so happy! Also received my new book "At the Hive Entrance" which is fascinating. Bee year #1 in progress........Thank You God, Universe, Goddess.....

Monday, August 3, 2009


The bees called to me last summer and I answered them. Now I find that my life and hive "management" are in sync. Be free. Be happy. Cull what doesn't work to gain strength. When all is flowing right then there is strength, disease resistance, joy, productivity and spiritual connection. They are teaching me and I am listening. That is what I aim to share with you...


Just got back from a really wonderful "Treatment Free" Beekeeping Conference in MA. Less is more beekeeping. Cull out what doesn't work. Be gentle. Let them do what they know how to do and support them in that. Sit back and watch.