Sunday, November 8, 2009

Spilled honey

Cloudless blue skies and 68 degree weather, a perfect day for feeding bees! They went wild when I uncapped the honey jar I brought with me from Montgomery Place in Tivoli. Some just dove head-first into the jar before I could recap it after filling the feeding jars. I fished them out with a stick and placed them gently on the hive. Much to my delight, I watched their sister bees come and loving clean them up so they could fly again! Lesson learned; probably better when working with honey for feeding to do it early (or late) in the day before they're out and about as the smell of it sends them into a frenzy when they're hungry. I filled all three hive feeders and watched the Bacchanal. They devoured what was left on the inside of the lid, the inside of the quart jar and any spills. This coming week will be more winterizing which I have been doing in a staggered manner depending on the weather. I didn't want to do it too early and have them overheated. I spent all afternoon watching their activity which is never boring. My little friends....

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