Sunday, November 15, 2009

November feeding, cont

Friday the 13th, another warm November day....filled the feeder jars to the top with Montgomery Place honey, probably for the last time. I hope this late season feeding gives them a boost as foraging was impacted this year by all the rain. Feeding with honey is more expensive than "bee tea" but is probably better for their gut than the cane sugar solution. (Montgomery Place uses mite treatment though, which I do not, and I had to weigh that risk/benefit ratio...but it's only for this year.) My friend, Kim, was with me and that extra pair of hands was appreciated. Put a straw bale up against the north side of the Woodstock hive and covered it with a tarp and snugged straw on the east and north sides of the hive stand on the Greeting Garden hive to block that crazy Vly Valley winter wind. (it's the nor'easters that seem to bring a lot of snow) I will get more straw next week to finish the process; I've been doing staggered winterizing based on the weather. I am still debating the "wrap or not wrap the hives" question but think I will, leaving the southern facing exposures open. All of my hives get good sun and bees are all about the sun! I know that ventilation is important to prevent dampness from condensation inside the hive. Only spring will tell if my actions were the right ones. So many little bee lives at stake...... I am praying to the bee gods/goddess that they have the strength to make it. Amen.

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